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Supercharge Your Business with Action Agent AI 🚀

AI Employees

🔄 Automated CRM / Calendar Management

🎯 AI Lead Engagement 24/7

📞 Smart AI Voice Agent


  • Name: Action Agent AI
  • Website:
  • Founded: 2023
  • Industry: Health Tech, Call Centers, Hospitality
  • Mission: Automating mundane tasks with AI to refocus on human values like patient care.

2. Problem and Solution

  • Problem: Clinics are bogged down by administrative tasks—scheduling, reminders, inquiries—not patient care.
  • Solution: Deploy AI-powered digital employees to handle mundane tasks, enhancing operational efficiency. This includes a 24/7 Voice Agent for scheduling and reminders, and AI Agents for campaign management and communications.

AI chat bot on smartphone answer question and advise smart solution to user.
smart personal assistant ai illustration

3. Unique Angle

  • Differentiation: Integrates seamlessly with existing CRM systems, offers competitive pricing for scalability from SMEs to large enterprises, and operates on a sophisticated AI with extensive automation capabilities.
  • Technology: Utilizes the latest Open Source AI technology to automate complex operations simplistically and effectively.

4. Business Model

  • Revenue Streams: Subscription-based model scaled by the size of the clinic or operation, supplemented by customized solution packages and one-time integration costs.
  • Customer Focus: Primarily health care clinics, expanding to hospitality and call centers that require robust operational support.

artificial intelligence illustration

5. Numbers and Statistics

  • Projected User Base: Aiming to serve over 200 clinics by the end of the first year.
  • Monthly Recurring Revenue: Target to hit $60,000 monthly recurring revenue through subscriptions.
  • Market Size Opportunity: The digital health market is projected to grow exponentially, with a significant portion needing administrative automation.

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6. Competitive Analysis

  • Competitors: Existing SaaS providers in health and general-purpose AI-driven workflow systems.
  • Advantage: More specialized in health tech services with bespoke AI features not generally offered by broader AI platforms.

7. Future Vision

  • Near-Term Goals: Expand service offerings to include multi-lingual support and deeper analytics for user operations to increase stickiness and provide more value.
  • Long-Term Impact: Establishing Action Agent AI as a necessary tool for any operational-heavy industry, bringing innovation forefront to traditionally slow-to-adopt sectors like healthcare.

8. Financial Projections

  • 1-Year Goal: Reach $1,080,000 in annual recurring revenue with an expansion into at least two new market sectors.
  • 5-Year View: Projecting $5 million ARR with expanded offerings and market reach.

9. Financial Ask

  • Seeking: $700k in pre-seed funding to accelerate product development, market entry, and sales strategies.
  • Use of Funds: Key allocations for technology development, marketing & sales expansion, and operations scaling.

10. Team Profile

  • Marco Nahmias: CTO and Founder - Visionary in AI with a background in software engineering and business operations.
  • Leadership Team: Deep expertise in AI, operations, healthcare technology, and commercial growth.
  • Dedication: Committed to transforming workplaces with innovative AI solutions, ensuring a brighter, more efficient future in healthcare administrative management.
